In appreciation of the invaluable contributions of the sponsors and exhibitors at the 2024 CEAP National Convention, the CEAP hosted a gratitude dinner on January 10, 2025, at the CEAP National Office. The event was attended by 35 guests from 15 different companies.
The evening began with a blessing from CEAP President Fr. Karel S. San Juan, SJ, followed by an opening prayer led by CEAP Plans and Programs Assistant Mr. Axel Deion S. Ngsy. In his Message as CEAP President, Fr. San Juan shared his heartfelt gratitude to the sponsors for their support, highlighting their vital role in helping CEAP promote values of service and compassion in schools nationwide. He also shared his excitement at working with each one of them during his term.
As Chairman of the Sponsorship Committee, CEAP Treasurer Br. Edmundo Adolfo L. Fernandez, FSC also expressed thanks and emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong, life-giving partnership between CEAP and its sponsors. This long-lasting relationship is crucial to effectively serving the communities they support.
The CEAP Executive Director and program emcee Mr. Jose Allan I. Arellano then facilitated introductions of the sponsors and members of the supporting team from the CEAP National Secretariat. He explained that the purpose of the gratitude program was to celebrate the success of the National Convention and review feedback from the participants, particularly about the exhibits. Mr. Arellano also announced that a similar program would be held in Davao the following week for the schools that helped organize the Convention.
In presenting the evaluations, Mr. Arellano shared that the 2024 CEAP National Convention received the highest ratings in recent years, with notable improvement in the ease of registration and a popular appreciation for the various talks. While the exhibit ratings were not the highest, this was mostly due to venue constraints that limited space for participants to fully engage with the displays. He thanked the sponsors for their key role in the Convention's success.
After awards and tokens presented to each sponsor by Fr. San Juan, Br. Fernandez, and Mr. Arellano, the program adjourned with photo opportunities per table.
Full article and photos here